Cancellations & Refunds

Last Updated: 19.03.2024

At MarketerPro, we're committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our platform and services.
We understand that the digital marketing journey is dynamic, with needs and plans that can change unexpectedly. To address this, we've developed a comprehensive Cancellations & Refunds Policy that is designed to be transparent, fair, and considerate of both our valued users and dedicated freelancers.

This policy outlines the steps for canceling services or subscriptions and details the process for requesting refunds. We strive to make these processes as smooth and straightforward as possible, ensuring you can make changes to your MarketerPro engagement with ease and confidence.
Understanding our Cancellations & Refunds Policy is crucial for all MarketerPro users. It not only clarifies what you can expect from us but also what we kindly ask from you in return. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the specifics of our policy below. Remember, our customer support team is always here to assist with any questions or concerns you may have about cancellations, refunds, or any aspect of your MarketerPro experience.

Thank you for choosing MarketerPro. We're excited to be part of your digital marketing journey and are here to support your success every step of the way.

1. Cancellations
  • By Clients: Clients can cancel a project or service request within 24 hours of placing it without incurring any charges. If a client cancels a project after 24 hours but before the freelancer has started the work, a cancellation fee of 25% of the project value may be applied.
  • By Freelancers: Freelancers are encouraged to communicate promptly if they are unable to undertake or complete a project. Cancellations by freelancers after accepting a project should be made as early as possible. Frequent cancellations by freelancers may result in temporary or permanent suspension from the platform.
  • Project Abandonment: A project is considered abandoned if there is no activity from the client or freelancer for 7 days after the project start date. Abandoned projects may be subject to cancellation, with specific outcomes depending on the status of the project.

2. Refunds
  • Service Satisfaction: If a client is not satisfied with the service provided, they are encouraged to first seek resolution through MarketerPro’s dispute resolution process. If a resolution cannot be reached, a partial or full refund may be issued based on the nature of the complaint and the work completed.
  • Non-Delivery: If a freelancer fails to deliver the agreed-upon service without a valid reason, the client is entitled to a full refund.
  • Misrepresentation: If the delivered service significantly deviates from the description provided by the freelancer at the time of hire, the client may be eligible for a partial or full refund.

3. Refund Process

To request a refund, clients should submit a refund request through the contact form within 48 hours of the project’s completion date. The request should include:
  • A detailed explanation of the reason for the refund request.
  • Any relevant documentation or evidence supporting the request.
Refund requests will be reviewed within 5 business days. Clients will be notified of the decision via email.

4. Modifications to the Cancellations & Refunds Policy

MarketerPro reserves the right to modify this Cancellations & Refunds Policy at any time. We will notify users of any changes by posting the new policy on this page with an updated effective date. Your continued use of our services after any changes indicates your acceptance of the new terms.

5. Contact Information

For questions or concerns about this Cancellations & Refunds Policy, please contact us at